Shehbaz Chaudhry
President and Chief Executive Officer

Shehbaz Chaudhry

Visionary telecom leader with 25+ years of industry experience.

Eric Wong
Chief Operating Officer

Eric Wong

Experienced leader who helps companies stay ahead of the curve.

Farasat Chaudhry
Chief Financial Officer

Farasat Chaudhry

Passionate car collector and skilled financial strategist.

Donnie Mollihan
Senior VP of Business Development

Donnie Mollihan

A seasoned executive with over 15 years of experience, has played a pivotal role in fueling the growth of Cell Shop.

Agustin Alvarado
Vice President of Sales

Agustin Alvarado

A sales leader with over 20 years of experience and passion.

Moojid Hamid
Vice President of Operations

Moojid Hamid

Operational efficiency champion with an eye for process improvement.

Our Family

Here to help you like you're one of us!

The Shop's June MVP

The Shop's July MVP

The Shop's May MVP

The Shop's April MVP

The Shop's March MVP

The Shop's February MVP

The Shop's December MVP

The Shop's October MVP

The Shops November MVP

The Shop's September MVP

The Shop's June MVP

The Shop's July MVP

The Shop's May MVP

The Shop's April MVP

The Shop's March MVP

The Shop's February MVP

The Shop's December MVP

The Shop's October MVP

The Shops November MVP

The Shop's September MVP

The Shop's June MVP

The Shop's July MVP

The Shop's May MVP

The Shop's April MVP

The Shop's March MVP

The Shop's February MVP

The Shop's December MVP

The Shop's October MVP

The Shops November MVP

The Shop's September MVP